Engineering & consulting
services for the refining, petrochemical, manufacturing and construction industries.
Civil Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Instrumentation Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Structural Engineering | Surveying | Construction Management | Project Management | Estimates | Material Procurement | Feasibility Studies

Civil Engineering
Complete engineering and design for adding an asphalt pre-impregnator stage to the existing Texas-II rolled roofing production line. This project included the addition of a new tank truck unloading facility for off-loading bulk asphalt into storage tanks. Interfaced level and valve instrumentation with existing hard-wired relay logic for controlling the asphalt transfer from storage to the mixing tanks. Upgraded existing rolled roofing line controls from hard-wired relay logic to Siemens PLC control. Replaced existing hydraulic speed controls for roller motors on the line with Variable Frequency Drives (VFD’s) for more precise speed control and synchronization of the lineup motors.

Electrical Engineering
Total system design including load studies, power distribution design, motor control center layout and design, lighting systems, grounding systems, interlock circuit design and development of electrical equipment specifications.

Instrumentation Engineering
Application of instrumentation to facilitate process variables, development of specifications, review and recommendation of vendors’ data, preparation of loop diagrams and installation drawings, control room layout, instrument air systems, analyzers, and implementation of Distributive Control Systems (DCS) and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC).

Mechanical Engineering
Preparation of mechanical flow diagrams including line sizing, determination and development of piping and pump specifications, equipment and piping layouts, centrifugal and reciprocating equipment, utility studies, pressure vessel and API tank design. Pipe stress analysis assuring code compliance on pipe stresses and equipment nozzle loading. Specification and selection of expansion joints, spring hangers, guides, stops and anchors. Energy conservation, conduct energy balances, design energy use improvements with cost justification, detailed engineering and drafting for project implementation, system installation supervision and evaluation of overall project effectiveness.

Structural Engineering
Dynamic and static analysis of reciprocating and centrifugal compressor foundations; both spread and pile supported, cooling tower foundations, bank stabilizations including all types of pile and retaining walls, existing structure load carrying capacity evaluation, structural tower design, building design, mat, spread, piling, underream, and auger cast foundation designs.

All fields of surveying including legal boundaries, horizontal and vertical control including benchmark installations and establishment, settlement studies, subdivision design and layout, topographical mapping, and construction surveys.

Construction Management
Assist construction contractor with detail interpretation, field modifications, and material procurement. Provide inspection services for our client to ensure compliance with the drawings and specifications, maintain status reports and punch list resolution.

Project Management
Provide total coordination and execution of engineering design and material procurement from conceptual development through project completion. Services include estimating and scope development, scheduling, engineering design, specification development, preparation of inquiries and bid tabulations, construction liaison, inspection and preparation of project manuals.

Perform preliminary design scopes development, prepare detailed cost breakdown for labor and materials, development of capital and operating budget estimates, unit operations economic analysis and justifications.

Material Procurement
Prepare equipment specifications, solicitation of vendors’ proposals, commercial and technical bid evaluations and recommendations, approval and distribution of vendor drawings, expediting deliveries, shop inspections, and development of final equipment files and manuals.

Feasibility Studies
Become familiar with client’s overall and specific concepts and requirements. To bring these concepts and requirements to reduced printed studies as dictated by business reasons or legal requirements. This often includes defining and developing the scope of the project, economic justifications, budget estimates, site surveys, market surveys, long range planning, preliminary design, site planning, research, cost studies and documented capital appropriation presentations.